Crankshaft Linish Belts
Belt Sizes: 1680mm X 20/25mm Wide Belt Type: 120/ 240/ 320/ 400 Grit (In packets of 15) Cork...
Belt Sizes: 1680mm X 20/25mm Wide Belt Type: 120/ 240/ 320/ 400 Grit (In packets of 15) Cork...
Developed for the disassembly / assembly of valve springs on cylinder heads (cars / trucks / motorcy...
We have a range of wire brushes: Straight wire brushes 1/2", 3/4", 1" Circle Brushes small and lar...
We carry a range of valve guide brushes: 5/16", 11/32", 3/8", 1/2" plus a 'Valve-Guide Set' which in...
We have a range of bore brushes: 1.0" - 5.5" From left to right - 5.5", 4.5", 4", 3.5", 1.5", 1.0" ...
Click this link for Flexhone Guide >>>>flex hone guide